If you are interested in the 2024-2025 school year, we are still accepting students. Please contact our Student Affairs, Susan Toutant at [email protected] for enrollment and tuition for 2024-25. Or fill out the registration form here.
2025-26 School Year Tuition and Fees:
Tuition Rates:
Application fee: Non-refundable due at the time of registration New Student Processing Fee - $75 Returning Student Processing Fee - $35 Summer Camp Session 1 - $375 Summer Camp Session 2 - $375 3 Days per week 2025-2026 - Annual $4150 or 10 months $415 Student 2 - Annual $3530 or 10 months $353 Student 3 - Annual $3500 or 10 months $332 Supply Fee - $280 Extended Care $235 5 Days per week 2025-2026 -Annual $6500 or 10 months $650 Student 2 - Annual $5520 or 10 months $552 Student 3 - Annual $5200 or 10 months $520 Supply Fee - PK2 and PK3 - $410 PK4, K, 1st, 2nd - $440 Extended Care - $365 Extended Care Supply Fee - $100 Daily Extended Care $25 Daily Rate for prorating purposes $40 All Pre-K4, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students are 5 days per week. 1st Additional Child -15% discount 2nd Additional Child - 20% discount 3rd Additional Child - 25% discount 4th Additional Child - 30% discount Tuition is due the first of the month and not later than the 10th of each month. Due prior or on the student’s first day of school, the Health Statement/Medical Form with physician’s signature, Parent Handbook Signature Page, and Immunization record, must be turned in to Susan Toutant, Student Affairs [email protected] Tuition and Fees:
Application fee: Non-refundable due at the time of registration New Students: $75 Returning Students: $35 Registration Supply fee: Nonrefundable due July 10. 3 days a week: $255 - Toddler, Pre-K2, Pre-K3 $265 - Pre-K4, Kindergarten, 1st grade 5 days a week: $390 - Toddler, Pre-K2, Pre-K3 $420 - Pre-K4, Kindergarten, 1st grade Registration Supply Fees will be billed July 1 and due July 10 Due prior or on the student’s first day of school, the Health Statement/Medical Form with physician’s signature, Parent Handbook Signature Page, and Immunization record, must be turned in to Susan Toutant, Student Affairs [email protected] |
Extended Day Program
- St. Christopher’s Episcopal School provides an optional extended day program. This program will be available to all students on a daily basis or monthly basis, or even an occasional basis with advanced notice. We understand that parents have very busy schedules and quality childcare is not always available. We hope to help bridge that need when necessary.
- Extended care will be designed for children to come together to play and explore in a relaxed environment. They will be provided supervision to play indoors and/or outdoors, weather permitting.
2025-2026 Extended Day Hours and Fees:
Morning Extended hours - 7:00am - 8:30am
Afternoon Extended hours - 2:30pm - 5:00pm
Late fee of $25 will be assessed after 5:00pm
Daily Rate $25
Monthly Rate:
- Extended Care 3 Days $2350 or $235 per month for 9 months
- Extended Care 5 Days $3650 or $365 per month for 9 months
- Please call and make arrangements with the office at any time.
- Parents my enroll their students for extended morning as as early as 7am and/or afternoon as late as 5pm.
- Extended Day charges will be added to accounts at the end of the month unless student is registered for Monthly.
- Extended Day students are dropped off at School door by the playground. Ring the doorbell or knock loudly and staff will respond. At no time during the day is this door left unlocked. All other entry during school hours must be made at the front office doors.
- St. Christopher’s Episcopal School provides an optional extended day program. This program will be available to all students on a daily basis or monthly basis, or even an occasional basis with advanced notice. We understand that parents have very busy schedules and quality childcare is not always available. We hope to help bridge that need when necessary.
- Extended care will be designed for children to come together to play and explore in a relaxed environment. They will be provided supervision to play indoors and/or outdoors, weather permitting.
2025-2026 Extended Day Hours and Fees:
Morning Extended hours - 7:00am - 8:30am
Afternoon Extended hours - 2:30pm - 5:00pm
Late fee of $25 will be assessed after 5:00pm
Daily Rate $25
Monthly Rate:
- Extended Care 3 Days $2350 or $235 per month for 9 months
- Extended Care 5 Days $3650 or $365 per month for 9 months
- Please call and make arrangements with the office at any time.
- Parents my enroll their students for extended morning as as early as 7am and/or afternoon as late as 5pm.
- Extended Day charges will be added to accounts at the end of the month unless student is registered for Monthly.
- Extended Day students are dropped off at School door by the playground. Ring the doorbell or knock loudly and staff will respond. At no time during the day is this door left unlocked. All other entry during school hours must be made at the front office doors.
Financial Aid:
SCES operates entirely on tuition, fees, fundraising and donations. We do not receive any federal, state or local government funding.
St. Christopher's Episcopal School is in partnership with the following organizations that help provide financial assistance for tuition.
St. Christopher's Episcopal School aims to assist any student who may need financial assistance. To inquire about or apply for financial assistance please stop by the front office or contact Head of School Becca Davis. When applying and and being accepted for financial aid all information is kept completely confidential.
Texas Work Force - (CCS)
Located at: 300 Cheyenne Drive, Killeen
workforcesolutionsrca.com/childcare/parents -( Provider ID#848110)
Each parent and step-parents, living in the household, must be working, attending school, in training/other educational program through a bachelor's degree (time limitations apply), or a combination of these, at least an average of 25 hours a week over a review period for single parents or 50 combined hours for 2-parent households or actively looking for employment. Household members include those that live in the household: parents, step-parents, adult dependents and a child or other minor living in the household who is the responsibility of the parent.
Child Care Aware
www.childcareaware.org/ (Provider ID#9112180)
Fee Assistance and Respite Care for Military/DoD Families
Ace Scholarships
acescholarship.org (sign up begins Monday, February 5th through April 15th, 2025. All paperwork, including tax documents MUST BE received by April 15th @11:59 pm.)
ACE awards are needs-based, not merit-based. Eligibility is based on total income (which is line 9 on the 1040 for those who file) and household size. You can see our eligibility guidelines online. Please look for the 20205-2026 application to open early February 20205 and apply at that time. Available in Texas for kindergarten through 12th grade.
Renewanation.org (deadline to register is May 31, 2025)
Mayor's Military Kids - Serving children of Active-Duty military personal and wounded warriors. They provide funding for fully accredited Christian education. This education may be provided in a Christian school classroom or in the home through online or traditional curriculum.
Child(ren) must be entering grades K-12 in the Fall of the current school year or already enrolled as a student in grades K-12.
Child(ren) must have at least one parent or legal guardian actively serving in the military or be the child(ren) of a parent/ legal guardian with wounded warrior status. A copy of active-duty orders or form DD214 must be submitted with the application.
Office: (540) 890-8900
Toll Free: 1-855- TO RENEW
Folds of Honor
https://foldsofhonor.org/scholarships/ (sign up begins February 1st through March 31st, 2025)
Child must be at least age 5 (by September 1st of calendar year applying in) and enrolled in full-time accredited private Kindergarten program.