ST. CHRISTOPHER’S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL BOARD: Governing Body Designee: The Right Reverend Bishop C. Andy Doyle, Bishop of Texas St. Christopher's Episcopal School Board: Rev. Joy Miller, Rector
St. Christopher’s Episcopal School Board: Judy Van Riper: President Mary Wilson: Vice President Samantha Di Salvio: Treasurer Sarah Yowell: Secretary Vacant: Parent Representative
St. Christopher's Episcopal Church St. Christopher's Episcopal School serves as an educational arm of the St. Christopher's Episcopal Church (WWW.STCHRISKILLEEN.COM) and is an extension of its outreach program. Our preschool families are always welcome at St. Christopher's Episcopal Church for worship or any other spiritual needs. Please contact our parish administrator, Debbie Hargreaves, at [email protected] or by phone (254-634-7474), if you have any questions
MISSION STATEMENT St. Christopher’s Episcopal School was established as an educational extension of St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church outreach program. The school provides an early childhood Christian learning environment, where children are encouraged to become lifelong learners. The school focuses on a whole child development methodology to include the spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development of its students.
PHILOSOPHY We believe in creating developmentally appropriate Christian based activities and practices that are: -Based on what we know about how young children learn -Relevant to children’s life experiences -Based on the children’s current knowledge and abilities -Respectful of cultural and individual differences and learning styles -Responsive to the interests and needs of the children -Focused on the learning process, not the end product -Thought provoking - stimulating and challenging the minds of young children -Based on the philosophy that children are competent and trustworthy, and can make good decisions if given the opportunity and practice
Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! 1 Chronicles 16:11